
Maintaining a Sustainable Portfolio

Simon Veith is a photographer who goes about capturing moments and people in beautiful frames as sustainably as possible for clients who aspire for a better tomorrow. By Mubeena Mohammed Ali

Simon Veith, a photographer from Cologne brings sustainability into the way he works and lives, adding a silver lining to the images he captures in the digital age.
Much before the focus on environment became critical, Veith started practicing the art of sustainable production of photography. He coordinated his B2B sector with green and socially oriented-clients, optimising and evaluating a sustainable visual language. He portrays a climate positive lifestyle by  using the principles of green banking, online accounting (paperless invoice and taxes) and a minimalistic green website hosting. With a no-flight policy, the photographer believes in the principle of equality and practices it in his life through simple steps like car pooling and opting for an eco-public transportation or even bicycling to get to his work.
As the photography realm shifted from analog to digital photography, emerging in outnumbered digital equipment and accumulation of chemical infused e-waste, professional photographers started changing their gadgets every five years for best results. Considering the ecological footprint, this vegan photographer has been reducing Co2 emission for the past six years by implementing an environment-friendly work lifestyle. On a social aspect, giving jobless people a part-time job by letting them plant 100 trees per project by evaluating the production consumed roughly 20 – 800 kg of equivalent co2, depending on its size, length, and effort, Veith has looked at all angles to make his work, carbon-neutral.

Cover photo of Demeter Journal Hof Bollheim bakery

The Good Food Sustainable Photography

Advertising photography cork purse

“I like like-minded people networking and exchange ideas. In the future, I am looking forward to exciting new projects, great clients and want to continue making sustainability more visible,” he says. Veith coordinates withs self-employed entrepreneurs and captures images using sustainable
equipment.Though Veith believes “there is no sustainable camera”, his act of choosing conventional long-life cameras rather than aged-equipment results in uncompromisable quality photographs.

Mühle Organic Sustainable men’s care advertising

Portrait photography advertising Stefan Knaup hair clipper

“Compared to other companies standing in the way for environmental cause, Sony, fabricates a full frame system with a reliable battery life. The company employs a sustainable image concept with high- quality camera lenses of Zeiss, Sony and sigma, and a professional flash lighting system of Multibliz and Metz with batteries, admissible to green charging (charged by green electricity).

Portrait photography of organic baker Jürgen Zippel

Sustainable men’s fashion from Cologne Joah Kraus.

Printed on sustainable printers and crafted on sustainable photo frames, Veith’s business cards
and postcards compensates all unavoidable emissions.
Avoiding the harmful chemical films and development prints of analog photography, reducing the impact of data storage in the cloud and SD cards which exploits rare minerals andproduces high emission, rises the pillars of sustainability. Digital photography being a poor medium for recycling,

Advertising photography Mühle Organic Barbershop

Advertising solar car Sion Sustainable photography

Veith’s timeless photos and healthy living adds layers of visibility in sustainability.
“Longevity is not important to me when it comes to equipment, but not when it comes to the picture captured.”

All Images Courtesy Simon Veith.

About the Author /

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